Black Market Bakery in Costa Mesa OC

Black Market Bakery, 2937 Bristol St, Costa Mesa CA 92626

Welll, well, well, here it was, all this time, i didn't know that. When their store in Satna Ana closed, i thought that was the end of one of my favorite baked bread places.

This time I got a chocolate croissant, which was heated for me but they called a different name. 10 minute later I walked up to the counter and there it was, in a bag, cold or rather, in the state it was when i first saw it in the display. I shrugged my shoulders, figured my latte was already half empty and brought it back to my table.

The nice thing about chocolate croissants, when such a thing happens, does it really matter? It's a chocolate bar in butter saturated roll. It still tastes good. 


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