Vim's Thai Restaurant on Vermont
Vim's has been around for a long LONG time. Next door, another Thai place, Ocha? Why are there two Thai spots next door to eachother? The rumor is that each place is own by the ex-husband and ex-wife. Back in the 1980's, that's what people told us but I have no idea if that's true.
40 years later, it seems both have spots all over LA. However, like the night we went to Vim's, there was a line in front of Ocha's but not Vim's although inside there were many customers.
I have no idea who started this rumor and what is the advantage of this rumor. Long story even longer, this was my first time at VIM's. Miles and Erik and I really enjoyed the food. I was bracing myself given this rumor of 40+ years. Who started this? The food was great. Address: 831 S Vermont Avenue LA CA 90005