Sunset Cafe

I went Sunday morning to the Sunset Cafe, which is located at 1701 Ocean Park Blvd, Santa Monica CA 90415, 310-399-6526, wanting those freshly baked and extra yummy muffins but the muffin baker didn't come that day and there were no muffins. So sad, what to order? The three women who own/run the place all have English accents so it always makes me want to order Earl Grey. It's a natural reflex. Well, let's see, what do they have? I chose the apple cobbler. It just sang to me. You know you're in for a treat when they fill a good size bowl with a cobbler. They heated it up for me and I was in my Sunday zone, sipping my tea, listening to English accents and eating a delicious and warm bowl of cobbler. Awesome!