The Corner Place Korean BBQ

The Corner Place Korean BBQ is located at 2819 West James Woods Street (formerly 9th Street), LA CA 90006, 213-487-0968. At night, especially, when you arrive, when you open the door and the BBQ smoke circles around and out like spirits, you know you've arrived. Today, photographer Bill Short and I ordered two dishes of beef; Bibolgi and the shank beef. The waitress made sure that's what we wanted, "Are you sure?" Bill and I thought maybe the shank was odd but when our order came, we quickly realized it wasn't what we ordered but how much. Each large plate was piled with pounds of beef. I am proud to say or maybe ashamed to say that other than a handful of the shank, Bill and I conquered the BBQ. At the end of our meal, the waitress came over to pick up the empty plates without saying a word. The hostess came by to drop off the bill and was giggling. Bill and I checked in via text and voice messages for the rest of the day to see if the other was ok. I'm still full. This is a great place.