Senor Fish in Eagle Rock

Senor Fish, 4803 Eagle Rock Blvd, Eagle Rock CA, has been there for decades. They make incredible Mexican food with a neighborhood loyalty and royalty. There's one in South Pasadena across the original Trader Joe's, one in Little Tokyo at Alameda and First and there used to be one on Figueroa in Highland Park (That was my favorite one). Pictured here is my Fish Taco Sampler plate. I was so hungry and totally into a conversation I was having with my circuit bending guru and musician extraordinaire Joe Berardi that I forgot to take a shot of my plate. Sorry about that. It was absolutely delicious, fresh and sumptuous. I picked Halibut, Swordfish and Mahi Mahi. They were all delicious. I highly recommend this place. It' s not fancy but it's a so local the place beams like a smile.