It was a weird Saturday, a couple weeks back. We were supposed to go on this big bike ride from Downtown LA to Long Beach and then down the beach path to the OC but it rained. The ride was scheduled primarily because our buddy Sojin Kim was going to be in town but at the last minute, I decided to call it off due to the rain. It was a quick text to everyone which was followed by replies like, "ok, I'm going back to bed" or "too bad". I was also about to go back to bed but remembered, wait a minute, Sojin's in town and I called her. We decided to go on a Griffith Park hike, a hike she misses so much, having moved back to DC. It was spectacular and afterwards we drove to Atwater for a delicious brunch at El Buen Gusto. The server asked if we wanted homemade tortillas or market bought tortillas. I replied, homemade please. That's an odd question? Later in the midst of our meal, Sojin said the reason people may prefer store bought is that they are thinner or rather, less filling. HMMmmmmmm.... No no no, what is everyone talking about? It should always be homemade over store bought. This is insane. Why are we even discussing this? Anyway, it was delicious; the food and tortillas. We followed it up with coffee at Proof, a couple of stores down and then joined a group of folks on the East LA Virgin of Guadalupe walking tour by James Rojas. BTW, it never really rained in the LBC, the bike ride would have been beautiful but this way, I had Sojin all to my self that morning. That was very cool.