Venice Bakery on Venice Blvd

I went on a bike ride yesterday with friends. Don't we look like a happy bunch? On our way toward CLUI and the Museum of Jurassic Technology, we passed by Venice Bakery, 10943 Venice Blvd, LA CA 90034. Heidi said that our boss said that this place has the best coffee in LA. So, the next morning, I drove to this place to try it. They have those wonderful Cuban potato pastries. I didn't try it but the flower jello-flan thing looked amazing. I got the espresso which was "Amazing"!!!! It was quite complicated even though it was served in a Styrofoam cup. There were the tastes of the coffee beans, roast bitters, a sweet back of the tongue taste, brewed water texture and honey after taste; all very distinct and extremely smooth. I got what i believe were empanada's (chicken and cheese with spinach). They had this chili sauce that was kick-butt. It was spicy enough to give me the hiccups. If that coffee isn't the best, it's gotta be in the top ten in LA.