Cafetales Restaurant in Inglewood

I met with artist and arts commissioner Anne Cheek LaRose at the Inglewood Library for a meeting but we had a bit of time before the meeting and I was hungry so we walked over to La Brea to a place neither of us had ever been to. Cafetales Restaurant is located at 115 South La Brea Ave Inglewood CA 90301. The building must have been something like a Norms, Ships or Tiny Naylors back in the day. There's a very 50's-60's architecture with the use of rocks and "space ship" like details. Most of it is painted over but inside was what looked to be original counters, seats, tables and terrazzo like flooring; still intact. Cafetales is an El Salvadorian cafe. I ordered the papusas with cheese. It was delicious and a great quick breakfast. Anne had the pancakes, which she said were very good. Next time, I'd like to order other items on the menu. They seem to have a regular clientele although apparently they are fairly new to the neighborhood.