Panera in Rancho Cucamonga

Never really spent time in Rancho Cucamonga and never had been to a Panera. They're all over the place, right? Rancho reminded me of Fountain Valley circa 1978. My daughter's team was in a basketball tournament there. They scheduled us for a 9AM game and a 4PM game. I'm pretty sure whoever was in charge of this tournament got some coaching from the chamber of commerce. A lot of down time in between games. So they have this mall/shopping center that is the strangest urban design I have ever seen. A lot of closed shops and cracked concrete with weeds growing out of them. It's like a deserted miniature golf course. We had time to see Thor, which wasn't that great but passed the time well. We were hungry afterwards, so one of the adults said Panera's and we all went. I was really impressed with the bread selection. I had a Cubana but it was with chicken. It wasn't that bad. I was still hungry after I ate that and a soup so I got a lemon scone with a mint tea, which was pretty good too. Mostly, I enjoyed talking with the other parents and watching the team interact with each other but I have to say, Panera is not too bad for a chain, especially if your only choice is, well, Panera. This one was located at 8055 Hare Avenue Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730.


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