Filter Coffee Shop in San Diego
Filter Coffee Shop, 1295 University Avenue, San Diego CA 92103, 619-299-0145, was a life saver one night in San Diego. It's a 24 hour place that caters to students from SD State and UCSD. Steve and I were in SD with Omayumi to perform our collaborative work "Red Flat" at Mesa College. The night before or rather the morning of, I woke up in our hotel room and couldn't sleep. I was in a state of panic. The Tsunami had finally sunk in a bit. I guess I was in shock for a couple of days and had the buffer of being on tour with my friends. After sitting on the sofa in the living room in silence, I put my clothes on and drove the car to Filter, which Steve and I had discovered earlier that night. I was comforted with the fact that the place was filled with 15 customers/students, despite it being 3:00 AM. I ordered a chamomile tea and wrote four pages of thoughts, evaluating my state of mind. If Filter wasn't open, I think I would have lost it that morning.