Can Ros in Barcelona

As I mentioned, one of the joys of BCN dining is going to a local bar and watching Barca play on a screen. Luis and Lua invited me to join their friends one night in Grácia at a place called Can Ros, career Roger de Flor 303, 08025 Barcelona Zona Grácia. So it turns out Luis's 2 friends are futbol fanatics. In fact, Joan, who teaches at a local college is actually giving a lecturer on futbol next month, tying it in with BCN culture, blah blah blah, the main thing he's stoked that he finally gets to research futbol and get paid for it. The game was great because Barca won. it was against Milan who used to be the super power but now Barca is and everyone is happy about that. The food was great but this sautéed pork parts was amazing. So amazing that we ordered a second bowl of it. I have to say that the company made the food delicious. Everyone was really cool and funny and passionate about futbol. it was an awesome evening and a great way to end the night i gave a presentation on my work at the University of Barcelona.


Dear Alan! The pork is called CAP I POTA! It was also a BIG pleasure to share it with you.
CAFE LA LA said…
Cap i pota, got it!!! I sure miss watching futbol at the bars.
CAFE LA LA said…
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