Ronnies in Culver City

Ronnie's is located at 12740 Culver Blvd, LA CA 90066, 310-578-9399. This past Sunday for breakfast, I rode my bike to Ronnie's. Equipped with two large screens, one showing the Raiders VS Giants and the other the Cowboys VS Chiefs, it was festive and energized inside. One thing for sure, the Raiders stink! Also, when the heck are we going to get a team in LA? The lamps were transformed into ghosts for the Halloween season and the place was packed with locals. I ordered the avocado and bacon omelette with a side of home fries, an English muffin and an OJ. This is a solid breakfast/lunch place. The servers are super friendly, making everyone feel like family or a welcomed out of towner. You leave stuffed, happy and ready for the rest of the weekend!