Gardena Bowl Coffee Shop

To each his own, that's how the saying goes, right?. I believe I have a larger pallet than most, "most" being fairly limited in this world of ours. For instance, I was with a friend who had never heard of Spam Musubi (a rice ball wrapped in seaweed with a thin slice of grilled Spam in the center). At the mention of it she scrunched her face and said eeew gross! Well, has a JA with Hawaiian in my roots, this is a staple from childhood. I get it, I know why it sounds gross. It's the mystery meat and grease and the fact that the can lasts forever. I feel a deep connection in the same way with Gardena Bowl Coffee Shop, 15707 Vermont Ave, Gardena CA 90247, 310-532-0820. Well, it's not the prettiest place, the service is not great; they forget a lot and sometimes it takes ten minutes to get a menu but the chashu (broiled pork with red sauce) breakfast is something I crave sometimes. The chashu is lean and leathery and comes with that spicy mustard sauce I love and reminds me of my father. For Father's day yesterday, it was my choice place. I guess the Saimin was mediocre but the Spam Musubi's are awesome. On top of everything, it's a bowling alley. That about says is it all. (I have own my own ball and shoes). I love this place!